What is mental toughness?
Clough and Strycharczyk (2012: 1) define mental toughness as “The quality which determines in large part how people deal effectively with challenge, stressors and pressure…irrespective of prevailing circumstances”. Mental toughness is therefore an indication of how well people cope with difficulties in their lives.
Clough and Strycharczyk (2012: 1) define mental toughness as “The quality which determines in large part how people deal effectively with challenge, stressors and pressure…irrespective of prevailing circumstances”. Mental toughness is therefore an indication of how well people cope with difficulties in their lives.
Why is mental toughness important?
Studies in the occupational, educational and sports worlds consistently show that mental toughness is directly related to:
Read more about measuring mental toughness, and developing mental toughness here.
Studies in the occupational, educational and sports worlds consistently show that mental toughness is directly related to:
- Performance. Individuals with high mental toughness perform better in terms of volume and quality of work.
- Behaviour. Individuals with higher mental toughness demonstrate positive behaviours.
- Wellbeing. Individuals with higher mental toughness experience a greater sense of well being.
- Aspirations. Mental toughness positively correlated with career and general aspirations.
- Employability. There is a clear relationship between an individual's mental toughness and their ability to get a job, and to get the job they want.
- Completion and Drop-Out rates. Individuals with higher mental toughness tend to stick with a programme and see it through to completion.
Read more about measuring mental toughness, and developing mental toughness here.